English-speaking jobs 

When moving to another country, many people rely on their English skills to get by and also to find a new job, in case they don’t speak the language of the foreign country. Luckily, there are also various job opportunities for people with great English skills. Are you looking to work as an English-speaker in Germany? Then you are in luck, Tideri will help you to find job opportunities from various Online Job Boards. You can focus on your career, while we find the best English-speaking jobs for you.

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What are the main professions for English-speaking jobs?

English proficiency opens up a world of opportunities for individuals seeking employment in various industries. This article will explore the main professions available to English speakers. We will delve into three subtopics: entry-level jobs as helpers, full-time positions for English speakers, and well-paid professions for individuals fluent in English.

Entry-Level Jobs as Helper

Entry-level jobs serve as a stepping stone for individuals starting their careers. These positions provide valuable work experience and an opportunity to develop essential skills.

Here are some entry-level jobs suitable for English speakers:

  • Customer Service Representative
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Retail Sales Associate

Full-time jobs for English speaker

Full-time positions offer stability, benefits, and career advancement opportunities. Which is why they are the most popular. English speakers can explore several industries for fulfilling careers, including:

  • Marketing Specialist
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Content Writer

Well-paid professions for English speakers

Professions that offer high earning potential often require specialized skills, education, or experience. Before you apply to one of those jobs, you should make sure, that you have all the needed skills.

English speakers can consider the following well-paid careers:

  • Software Engineer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Legal Consultant

Pro-tip –  Before you move to another country, make sure you meet all the conditions to work there. If you move within the EU, you can always start a new job. However, moving to or from other countries often requires a work visa, which you usually need to arrange before you travel. Working without the right visa can have serious consequences, and you shouldn’t start your adventure, getting in trouble right away. 

How to get a good salary as an English speaker?

To secure a good salary as an English speaker, there are several strategies and considerations to keep in mind.

Here are some key steps to increase your earning potential:

  1. Enhance your English language skills
  2. Acquire specialized knowledge or skills
  3. Gain relevant work experience
  4. Networking and professional development:
  5. Research market demand and trends
  6. Cultivate a global mindset
  7. Negotiate your salary.
  8. Continual learning and self-improvement

Remember, securing a good salary as an English speaker requires a proactive approach, ongoing self-improvement, and a willingness to explore diverse opportunities. By leveraging your language skills, expertise, and dedication, you can position yourself for a successful and rewarding career.

How to find Job offers with English language skills?

Finding a job as an English speaker can prove a quite difficult task, at least, if you are not looking to work in an English-speaking country. Besides using Online Job Boards and Professional Networking Platforms as LinkedIn, there are a few alternatives, you could use. Research multinational companies or organizations that operate in English-speaking regions. Visit their career websites or attend virtual job fairs to identify positions that require English fluency. Explore job portals that specialize in language-related positions or English teaching opportunities, such as ESL job boards or language training institutes. Or register with recruitment agencies that specialize in placing candidates with English language skills. They often have access to job openings that require English fluency. 

Can you make a career with English skills?

Yes, having strong English language skills can open up numerous career opportunities across various industries and sectors. English has become the global language of business, communication, and diplomacy, making it a valuable asset in today’s interconnected world. A few career paths where English skills can be particularly advantageous are Translation and Interpretation, English Language Teaching, International Relations and Diplomacy. These are just a few examples, but there are numerous other career paths where English language skills are in demand. With the right combination of skills, experience, and qualifications, you can build a successful and rewarding career leveraging your English proficiency.

Pro-tip – Even though you can get away with only speaking English in your job, you should make an effort to learn the language of the country you live in. It will not only help you in your job, but also make your daily life easier. After all, you want to start a new life and there is more to it than just work. Being able to talk in the local language will open up your world. 

What are entry opportunities for English speakers?

Entry opportunities for English speakers can vary depending on individual qualifications, skills, and interests.

Here are some common entry-level opportunities where English skills are valued:

  • Administrative Assistant: Entry-level administrative assistant roles are available in various industries. English skills are often required to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, as well as to handle correspondence and assist with administrative tasks.
  • Sales Associate: Entry-level sales positions, particularly in companies operating in international markets, may seek English speakers to communicate with customers and promote products or services.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: The tourism industry frequently offers entry-level opportunities for English speakers, such as hotel receptionists, tour guides, or customer service roles, where interaction with international visitors is common.

Are there education opportunities while already working?

Yes, there are various educational opportunities available for individuals who are already working. Continuing education and professional development are important for career growth and staying updated in today’s rapidly evolving job market.

Here are some education options you can pursue while working:

  1. Online Courses and Certifications: Many reputable institutions offer online courses and certifications that allow you to enhance your skills and knowledge while working. These courses are often flexible and can be completed at your own pace.
  2. Evening or Weekend Classes: Look for local educational institutions or community colleges that offer evening or weekend classes. This allows you to attend classes outside your regular working hours and acquire new qualifications or expand your expertise.
  3. Part-Time or Executive Programs: Some universities and colleges offer part-time or executive programs designed for working professionals. These programs typically have flexible schedules, allowing you to balance your work and study commitments.
  4. Employer-Sponsored Programs: Check if your employer provides educational benefits or tuition reimbursement programs. Many companies support their employees’ professional development by offering financial assistance or allowing time off for studies.
  5. Industry-Specific Training: Stay updated with industry-specific training programs or workshops relevant to your field. These training opportunities often focus on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in your industry.
  6. Professional Associations and Conferences: Join professional associations related to your industry and attend conferences or seminars they organize. These events offer networking opportunities, access to industry experts, and workshops to enhance your knowledge.
  7. Online Learning Platforms: Utilize online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning, which offer a wide range of courses and tutorials on various topics. These platforms provide flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
  8. Mentorship Programs: Seek mentorship opportunities within your organization or industry. Mentors can provide guidance, share their knowledge and experiences, and help you navigate your career path.

Remember to discuss your education plans with your employer to explore potential support or flexibility. Balancing work and education requires effective time management and prioritization. By investing in your education while working, you can enhance your skills, stay relevant in your field, and increase your career prospects.

Pro-tip – If you don’t plan on leaving your country, but are looking for new job opportunities, remote work could be the way to go. There are some English-speaking jobs, that can easily be done a hundred percent remote. You will find a job like this, especially in the IT industry, but there are also possibilities for Content writer, or teaching Online. 

Conclusion for English-speaking Jobs

If you seek to move to another country and rely on your English Skills to find a job, there are various paths you can choose. Depending on your skills and where you want to work, you will find various job opportunities. In case you are looking for English-speaking jobs in Germany, Tideri can help you to find it for you. By searching various Online Job Boards, we will find, every English-speaking job, that is offered there. You can see the results at once and spend your time finding the right job, instead of searching the world wide web. 


What are typical English-speaking jobs?

There are various jobs, that are well-suited for people with great English skills. There are obvious ones like, English teacher or Translator, but there is also a whole industry, where you can get away with only speaking English, which is IT. Other options would be Financial Analyst, Content Writer or Customer Service Representative for an English-speaking company. The right career also depends on what other skills you have to offer besides speaking English. 

How to make a career as an English speaker?

If you want to make a career, you should find a field you are passionate about and learn everything you need for the job. Only speaking English is unfortunately not enough to climb the corporate ladder. To be successful in an English-speaking job, you also have to meet all the other requirements. 

What are the possibilities to get further education while working in an English-speaking job?

Getting better in your job and strengthening your career education while on the job is a great idea. Learning new skills or gathering more knowledge will put you in a stronger position and make you more valuable to the company. This way, you also will be able to ask for more money or even a promotion.